Tuesday, November 3, 2009


This year, as every other year we get together with our family and take our kids trick-or-treating in Midvale. We had lots of fun with Marissa this year, we were very glad Karen brought some of her kids here for Halloween.

Some people is Jim's home word are really into Halloween, is a good way. They decorate their whole house, and let everyone go inside . In the house they had dressed up people sitting very still, like they are not alive, as soon as a kid reaches for a candy from the bowl they might scare you. I absolutely love that house, we know the people and every time I reach for a candy I know what is going to happen and I STILL JUMP like a 5 year old.

They also had this cool spider, Tasia was terrified of it. Poor girl had a dream about it today that she was scared of it and that I was there and I bit his head off.

This is a picture of Usual beating on Andrew. Well, it starts with him jumping on Jim and ends with beating Andrew:)

AJ was so cute as a bat, it was nice and worm costume, thanks to my neighbor Annie who let us borrow it.

The time or trick-or-treating was way past AJ's bed time, but he was so good. He even tried the best the coulgdto say "Trick -or-Treat" it came out something like "Ticatee", it was so cute. Other times he just stood there on the porch garbing as much cndy as he could.

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