I am trying to be good and do a post or two a week, because I know that my Mom checks this blog more often then I do posts on them, and I understand why, if the only grandchildren I had lived overseas I would do the same.
These past couple of weeks were hard, but I hope(crossing my fingers) that it is all over. It started with Tasia being sick, flu or H1N1 we don't know, probably, not like we are going to test for it:) Poor girl was so tired she spent the entire day in bed, and next day she seemed better but it was not quite over. I still remember giving her a bath and looking into her eyes that were constantly half way closed. That was weird thing, don't want to see it again.
Then AJ, he is the hard one when it comes to being sick. As you can imagine how an 18 month old does during sickness, no naps but WINE, WINE, WINE... we spent a lot of time together snuggling, the best part of being sick.
Then Jim, he had a fever for a couple of days as well, I begged him to stay home, but he was swamped at work, or if you know Jim, he is a very loyal employee, even if it takes everything out of him.
Friday night Jim calls me and lets me know that he is on his way home. I ran to visit my friend and stayed there a while. I came home and realized that I had multiple messages from Jim saying call me Back, PLEASE!!! As I call him I find out that my poor husband was stuck all that time at the gas station, still not recovered from previous cold and in pain from food poisoning. Yes and the story of a broken car never ends in our case.... I so hope we can get a newer one one day... so have you heard enough of the complaining already, during this wonderful Thanksgiving Time..... :):):)
But no matter what, We still have our families, home, food on the table for which I am indeed very grateful.
This is a picture of AJ just before beating this pan with the meat tenderizer you see next to him. He loves loud noises and I only let him do it so I can actually cook dinner.

Our Winter outing, I am Grateful for friends that get me out of the house .

I love it when Tasia get's jealous because I take AJ's pictures, so she was being super nice and cute for hers.
And If you don't already know, I am giving away 50$ Gift Certificate for my photography if you post a link of Endless Memories Photography on your blog or face book I will enter you into a drawing.