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Next arch on our plan to visit- Sand Dune arch. The funnest place for kids, where they can play in the sand and for older ones where they can hike on the top of the arch. AJ loved having his toes in the sand, he smiles the whole time. Tasia and Dad climed into a cavity in the rock and hid there. Carolyn stayed in the sun and away from the camera

Our plans for lunch were to spot at he picnic area. We did not get the table after the bus full of French tourists took all the spots. We found our personal log under the tree to have a picnic at.
On the way to the Delicate Arch, Tasia was so worried that Mom and Dad left ahead without her, she tried to run and fell, scraping her palms and knees. Dad had to go make it better. By the time Carolyn, AJ and I returned she was on her way to sleepy land.
After half the day in the sun the kids fell asleep, as usual . Carolyn was so nice to let Jim and I go see other arches and hike while she watched kids sleep. Jim and I enjoyed our hikes alone, we were glad we could do that because some of them were hard to do holding on with your hands and feet.
It was so much fun at the Arches with the whole family and a sister in law to help. We feel vacationed out for the moment and looking forward to spent some quiet days at home . On the way home we stopped at the Goblin Valley. The weather was supposed to be nice, with some wind. The only think we did not know, that the wind in the desert turns into a painful and not so pleasant dust storm and cut our Goblin Valley trip littel short.
Tasia was terrified that the wind might blow her away, in fact she was shore it was about to happen, so she was holding on to somebody at all times. AJ hated the wind as well. The adults had enough fun after we got the sand in all the exposed crevices of our bodies. On that note we were ready to get home and take showers.
We made it to Helper( a little city in the mouth of the canyon), when they closed the canyon because of the heavy snow storm(that is after being in about 65 degree weather in Goblin Valley), It is a Desert, go figure.
So we were stuck at Wall Mart, waiting out the weather. The storm has passed and at about 7 pm Sunday evering we made it Home! Now we feel vacationed out for a couple of month and it is a good thing!