My sweet Sister in law Carolyn and Mother in law Susan prepared these amazing bags for kids for the long road trip. It has literally saved our lives.
I admit it was nice when Tasia glued her mouth shut with the stickers, we enjoyed a couple of minutes of silence:)

We sticked stickers on everything we could....

They had so many fun little things like stickers, coloring books, crayons and pencils. Laminated letter and name worksheets for erase and write. Make a pronsess crown kit and a braslet kit. She also had some things she took time to cut out like a baby and different outfits that went with it. AJ too had some wrapped cars, a Light Buzz Year with a talking brayslet, magnifying glass (because she usually steals G-pa's) and ton of other cool things to entertain himself.
Here we are approaching Carlsbad, we had Tasia call grandma to thank her for the giftbag

AJ playing with his cars and magnifying glass

Tasia in all her Princess glory(we ran put of ses) with all her necklaces too.

As soon as the sun came up it gives even the sleepy person that awake feeling which we really appreciated. Cince we were going such a long way we wanted to have some kind of an interesting stop in the middle of our long drive. Jim decided that we needed to visit Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico. I had imagined a big cave, like Mnt. Timp cave or something, but this one had blew my mind. it was so humangus and 1,5 hour tour was only the smallest tour we could take with the kids. It was breathtaking to see the beauty of underground. Some of the pictures that had worked put don't even come close to how big and beautiful the cave was.
While waiting for the shuttle to the caves AJ and I found this cool car. AJ loved pretending to drive it.

Here we are in the caves. The pictures do not give it justice, unfortunately.(Don't look at my tired after the sleepless night face PLEASE)

After we had visited the cave it was another 8 hour drive to Fort Worth, Texas. Kids did amazingly well, which surprised me.
The only time they had become restless and whiny was during the last hour of the whole trip. Well, I was done with it too. it seemed like we almost made it and that we were almost there, but the last hours seemed longer then the previous 23 hours and we had driven. I don't know why it happens that way. But it was the worse.
Next Day my friend Katya showed us around Fort Worth. it was 75C weather that we had a chance to enjoy. Worth Worth is a HUGE city. We have visited a botanical garden with man made waterfalls. The picture from the did not work out. Here is a little one with the sprinkling water.

The clown made a cat hat for Tasia and and a Sword for AJ

Then we went to the the Texas Big Horn Bulls. Kids got a chance to see a cool train. Have hat balloons made by a cloun and ride a 25 cent carousel.

Tasia 's hat did not quite fit

This was I think is super cute of AJ, so innocent

My friend Piter from Ukraine and his wife Heidi.

AJ and big Texas

My good old friend Katya and her baby. We used to go to school together. She was so nice to let us crash at her house for 3 days. Thank you Katya.