I had a cancellation on a photo shoot, so have some extra time, which I am very grateful for, so I decided to do a Las Vegas Post.

Jim and I have a hard time celebrating our anniversary in August, so we always do something extra in the winter to make up for that. This year we got tickets to go to a "Let's Make a Deal" in Las Vegas,

so we decided that we will leave the kids and have a little brake just the two of us. It was a BIG FIRST Getaway without our children. I always hesitated, but now I know how fun it is to feel FREE, just for a couple of days, and we definitely loved it.
I misses my baby the first day, but it got easier and easier to be without him when the time passed.

it was fun to see all the climate changes as we approached Nevada. Snow slowly dissapeared. The sun was higher up in the sky and a lot brighter.
It was shocking to turn on our air conditioning in the middle of December, but we surely enjoyed coat free weather of about 70 F.

While driving Jim and I listened to a Great Book on Parenting called : "Scream Free Parenting". I always feel that getaways produce better parents and this one definitely provided time for us to learn and reevaluate our parenting techniques.
We also enjoyed a beautiful scenic drive through Arizona and Nevada.

It was exciting to see the big city and stay for a week-end but we would never live there.

We checked into a MGM Grand, which ended up to be better then we thought

We were lucky to be in Vegas that week-end, they had the cheapest prices of the year and great discounts on expensive food.

Then he had reservations at a brand new Fancy Restraint "Sage" where we spent $150 on a dinner. Good thing $100 was a gift from the hotel. The food was delicious, small but delicious. I thought Jim was going to be starving after the dinner and that we would have to go feed him at Arbeys, but, apparently the food was filling nevertheless.
After the dinner we went to Las Vegas Temple. It is just Gorgeous from inside and out. We barely made it for a last session, and not like in Utah, there was only 5 of us there. I have never seen last Friday night session be so empty in Utah, people is Vegas must be early temple goers, not last minute like we are here.
On the way to the temple you see all kinds of billboards, but I was proud of some people who are crying out from the majority of the Sin City

Next day was our show day. We went to get a spot at 8 am and waited for about 5 hours to get to the show, it was long, but fun to see different people dressed up as bunnies, cupcakes, bees and what not.
We made it twice to the show, unfortunately we did not win anything. But we were SO close. The guys who was sitting next to us, dressed as a popcorn won a Car, Bummer, but, we figured if we would have won it, we would have to sell both of our cars just to pay taxes on a $20.000 car, so we are good with what we have got.
After all day of show we finally made it to a Buffet. MMMM... it was good. When a relaxing last night without kids.
I left my camera in the car a couple of times when I wanted to take more pics. So some of these were just taken on our way out. I thought the Christmas decor was beautiful. These guys were on the way, but you the the picture.

Some photos from our drive back.

I loved seing the contrast of the big city of Las Vegas and quiet rural areas just 30 min away in Arizona. All the of the pictures I took were from the car. Jim is not one of those who will stop for taking pictures. I had a BIG talk to him about it. I think he will think twice from now on to say NO, when his wife the photographer wants top stop for some shots, right babe?

I don't know if you know but I am a Vacation Freak, I LOVE going places, seeing new things. Just as we were leaving I told Jim that next time we need to go to New Caledonia, California, Zion's Park and Disney Land.
he was a little overwhelmed with the plans but I want to go see all these places. I guess we have to pick and choose ...
Tasia and AJ enjoyed their stay at Grandma's house. This is what Tasia and Grandma made while we were away.